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01-11-2024 | Janus Kinase Inhibitors | Original Paper

Analysis of patient experiences regarding JAK inhibitors for atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, alopecia areata, and vitiligo

Authors: Divya Sharma, Sophie Gart, Bo Kitrell, Sarah Lonowski, Megan Arthur, Erin X. Wei

Published in: Archives of Dermatological Research | Issue 9/2024

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The use of medications which target the JAK-STAT signaling pathway, also known as janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors, has rapidly increased in recent years. Patient perceptions, opinions, and concerns regarding the use of JAK inhibitors are largely uninvestigated. Our objective is to better understand patient concerns, reported side effects, and sentiments regarding the use of JAK inhibitors for dermatologic disease. The authors performed a cross-sectional analysis of the most frequented subreddits for dermatologic disease in which JAK inhibitors have obtained FDA approval (r/atopic dermatitis, r/psoriasis, r/alopecia areata, r/vitiligo, and r/eczeJAKS). The sentiment, central theme, and engagement level of each post was evaluated using previously utilized methods. Nine hundred twenty-three posts were analyzed, with the majority focusing on efficacy (433, 47%) and medication-related side effects (150, 16%). Other themes of interest to patients were Payment/Insurance (84, 9%), Study Results/News (69, 7%), Administration/Dosage (33, 4%), and Medication Interactions (31, 3%). The most frequently reported side effects were acne/folliculitis (24, 22%), nausea/gastrointestinal disturbance (11,10%), and fatigue/muscle aches (10, 9%). At the same time, the medication interactions garnering the most concern were sunscreens/facial moisturizers (5, 16%), topical calcineurin inhibitors (4, 13%), and Marijuana/THC (3, 9.%). This analysis highlights that patients are most concerned about the efficacy and side effects of JAK inhibitors in addition to issues regarding access to JAK inhibitors. Providers can use the insights gained from this study to address hesitancy better and guide comprehensive, patient-centered discussions with patients regarding JAK inhibitor use.
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Analysis of patient experiences regarding JAK inhibitors for atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, alopecia areata, and vitiligo
Divya Sharma
Sophie Gart
Bo Kitrell
Sarah Lonowski
Megan Arthur
Erin X. Wei
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
Archives of Dermatological Research / Issue 9/2024
Print ISSN: 0340-3696
Electronic ISSN: 1432-069X

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