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01-04-2023 | Research Article

Ioversol Induced Microglia Proinflammatory Activation and Oxidative Stress in Rats

Authors: Tao Li, Lili Zhao, Hong Fan, Zhiyang Chen, Ye Li, Meijuan Dang, Ziwei Lu, Jialiang Lu, Qiao Huang, Heying Wang, Shengxi Wu, Guilian Zhang, Fang Kuang

Published in: Neurotoxicity Research | Issue 2/2023

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Contrast-induced encephalopathy (CIE) following angiography, though not often and reversible, can in some cases lead to permanent neurological dysfunction. To identify how neuroinflammation is involved in CIE, we investigated microglia responses to a bolus injection of ioversol in the internal carotid artery (ICA) in rats. MicroCT scanning indicated that the injected ioversol was cleared from the rat’s brain within 25 min. However, proinflammatory activated and significantly increased microglia were found in the rat occipital cortex at 1 day, and the number of blood vessel-associated microglia was still significantly higher at 3-day post-injection, compared with sham- and PBS-treated rats. Moreover, significantly upregulated malondialdehyde (MDA), downregulated superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels, and elevated proinflammatory cytokines were observed in the brain of rats treated with ioversol. Ioversol administration decreased cell viability of primarily cultured microglia and induced significant proinflammatory activation. Furthermore, ioversol remarkably upregulated astrocytic aquaporin (AQP) 4 expression in the rats brain, and transwell cultures showed significantly enhanced microglia migrating to ioversol-treated endothelial cells. Immediate injection of edaravone dexborneol, a novel antioxidative drug, after ioversol injection effectively rescued ioversol-induced neuroinflammation. Together, these findings suggest that ioversol induced neuroinflammation and oxidative stress in the brain via microglia activation in a direct and indirect manner, which might contribute to the pathogenesis of CIE.
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Ioversol Induced Microglia Proinflammatory Activation and Oxidative Stress in Rats
Tao Li
Lili Zhao
Hong Fan
Zhiyang Chen
Ye Li
Meijuan Dang
Ziwei Lu
Jialiang Lu
Qiao Huang
Heying Wang
Shengxi Wu
Guilian Zhang
Fang Kuang
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Neurotoxicity Research / Issue 2/2023
Print ISSN: 1029-8428
Electronic ISSN: 1476-3524

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