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26-12-2023 | Interventional Radiology | EDITORIAL

How Important is Low-Cost to the Overall Value of Interventional Radiology?

Author: Warren Clements

Published in: CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology | Issue 2/2024

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The scope of what Interventional Radiology (IR) can offer modern healthcare systems is vast. There is enormous potential for reducing invasiveness and recovery that would otherwise be seen with traditional open surgery [1]. This is part of the value that IR offers healthcare systems. One of the other high-value components of IR is that it is usually also considered relatively low-cost [1]. …
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How Important is Low-Cost to the Overall Value of Interventional Radiology?
Warren Clements
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology / Issue 2/2024
Print ISSN: 0174-1551
Electronic ISSN: 1432-086X

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