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03-01-2024 | Original Paper

Increasing Access to Medical Care for Hispanic Women Without Insurance: A Mobile Clinic Approach

Authors: Suzanne Phelan, Marilyn Tseng, Anita Kelleher, Erin Kim, Cristina Macedo, Vicki Charbonneau, Irebid Gilbert, David Parro, Luke Rawlings

Published in: Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health | Issue 3/2024

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The purpose of this study was to describe the health status and barriers of people who sought care on a free mobile health clinic for women without insurance in California. Participants were 221 women who attended the Salud para Mujeres (Women’s Health) mobile medical clinic between 2019 and 2021. Medical chart abstractions provided data on sociodemographic factors, medical history, barriers to care, depressive symptoms, and dietary factors. Anthropometric measure, blood pressure, and biomarkers of cardiometabolic disease risk were also abstracted. Participants were young adult (29.1 [SD 9.3] years), Hispanic (97.6%), farm-working (62.2%) women from Mexico (87.0%). Prevalent barriers to accessing (non-mobile) medical care included high cost (74.5%), language (47.6%), hours of operation (36.2%), and transportation (31.4%). The majority (89.5%) of patients had overweight (34.0%) or obesity (55.5%), and 27% had hypertension. Among those (n = 127) receiving a lipid panel, 60.3% had higher than recommended levels of low-density lipoprotein and 89% had lower than recommended levels of high-density lipoprotein. Point-of-care HbA1c tests (n = 133) indicated that 9.0% had diabetes and 24.8% had prediabetes. Over half (53.1%) of patients reported prevalent occupational exposure to pesticides and 19% had moderate to severe depressive symptoms. Weekly or more frequent consumption of sugar sweetened beverages (70.9%) and fast food (43.5%) were also prevalent. Mobile health units have potential for reaching women who face several barriers to care and experience major risk factors for cardometabolic disease. Findings suggest a compelling need to assure that Hispanic and Indigenous women and farmworkers have access to healthcare.
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Increasing Access to Medical Care for Hispanic Women Without Insurance: A Mobile Clinic Approach
Suzanne Phelan
Marilyn Tseng
Anita Kelleher
Erin Kim
Cristina Macedo
Vicki Charbonneau
Irebid Gilbert
David Parro
Luke Rawlings
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health / Issue 3/2024
Print ISSN: 1557-1912
Electronic ISSN: 1557-1920