03-02-2025 | Letter to the Editor
Hepatotoxicity in spaceflight: intrinsic and extrinsic risks for astronaut metabolic health
Ethan Waisberg, Joshua Ong, Mouayad Masalkhi, Ben Cools, Ryung Lee, Mathieu Vinken, Andrew G. Lee
Published in:
Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -)
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The prospect of space travel and exploring the unknown has captured the imagination of humanity for decades. From the Moon landings to the planned mission to Mars in the 2030s, human exploration of the final frontier is limitless. However, amidst the thrill of exploring Mars within the next decade, some earthly pleasures may need to be left behind, such as the consumption of alcohol. In this article, we examine the hepatotoxic effects of alcohol in space and presents the reasoning behind its likely exclusion from future space expeditions. …