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03-02-2025 | Heart Failure | Short Communication

Lymphatic Drainage in Patients with Heart Failure: A Feasibility Study

Authors: Husam M. Salah, Adrian Ebner, Ravi N. Srinivasa, Waleska Pabon-Ramos, Jeffrey Forris Beecham Chick, Jan Biegus, Piotr Ponikowski, Abubaker Khalifa, Marat Fudim

Published in: Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research

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Lymphatic dysfunction contributes to congestion and end-organ damage in heart failure (HF), yet current therapies do not directly target lymphatic congestion. Thoracic duct (TD) drainage offers a novel approach to address this gap. This multicenter feasibility study evaluated the safety and feasibility of minimally invasive TD drainage in patients with HF. Four patients with New York Heart Association class II-IV HF and fluid overload underwent fluoroscopy-guided TD access via cervical, abdominal, or transvenous brachial approaches. Lymph was drained by gravity for up to 3 hours, and hemodynamic changes were measured. TD drainage was successful in all patients, with a mean lymph output of 430 mL. Mean reductions in right atrial and pulmonary capillary wedge pressures were 4 mmHg and 1.5 mmHg, respectively. No major adverse events occurred. TD drainage appears feasible and safe, with potential decongestive benefits. Larger studies are needed to confirm its role in HF management.

Graphical Abstract

Lymphatic Drainage in Patients with Heart Failure: A Feasibility Study
Husam M. Salah
Adrian Ebner
Ravi N. Srinivasa
Waleska Pabon-Ramos
Jeffrey Forris Beecham Chick
Jan Biegus
Piotr Ponikowski
Abubaker Khalifa
Marat Fudim
Publication date
Springer US
Heart Failure
Published in
Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research
Print ISSN: 1937-5387
Electronic ISSN: 1937-5395

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