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Open Access 06-09-2024 | Research Article

Ethical conflicts in patient care situations of community pharmacists: a cross-sectional online survey

Authors: Kathrin Wernecke, Stephan Nadolny, Jan Schildmann, Susanne Schiek, Thilo Bertsche

Published in: International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

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Community pharmacy practice is rarely considered in ethical research, although various ethical conflicts are known for this setting. Data on the actual frequency and perceived burden of ethical conflicts occurring in the community pharmacy setting are required.


The survey aimed at investigating the frequency and perceived burden of ethical conflicts, reasons for the perceived burden and influences on decision-making in ethical conflicts in German community pharmacists.


An online survey was conducted among community pharmacists. It contained 15 ethical conflicts in which the ethically required action conflicts with another principle (e.g. law). Basing on these conflicting principles, 12 considerations relevant for decision-making were defined (e.g. solidarity principle). Participants were asked to rate the ethical conflicts in terms of frequency and perceived burden and to rate the influence on decision-making for the considerations. Results were analysed descriptively.


Five hundred and thirty-five questionnaires were evaluated. The participant’s median age was 39 (min–max: 20–78) years, 378 (71%) were female. Seven of the 15 predefined ethical conflicts were rated as occurring predominantly at least once a week. “Generic drug is not most suitable” was rated as the most frequent. Three ethical conflicts were rated mainly with a (very) strong burden. “Concerns for an unborn child” was rated as the most burdensome. Three of the 12 predefined decision-making considerations: pharmaceutical knowledge, legal requirements and personal values were rated primarily as having a very strong influence on decision-making.


Pharmacists in community pharmacies are frequently affected by burdensome ethical conflicts in patient care situations.
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Ethical conflicts in patient care situations of community pharmacists: a cross-sectional online survey
Kathrin Wernecke
Stephan Nadolny
Jan Schildmann
Susanne Schiek
Thilo Bertsche
Publication date
Springer International Publishing
Published in
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
Print ISSN: 2210-7703
Electronic ISSN: 2210-7711

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