16-05-2024 | Endocarditis | Editorial
Infective endocarditis—whose baby? Everyone’s!
Om Prakash Yadava
Published in:
Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Special Issue 1/2024
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Ever since the seminal works of William Osler, the field of infective endocarditis (IE) has evolved serially and incrementally. There has been a keen tussle and a kind of tug of war, between the stakeholders—the offending microbial infective agent on one side and the defending host, backed by technology, on the other. Alas, the former seems to be getting one over the latter, with no evidence whatsoever of the fortunes reversing. Despite all advances, the overall mortality from IE keeps hovering around 20 to 25% in most series, and has remained thereabouts in the last 50 years. …