Issue 1/2017
Content (46 Articles)
MRI detection of endothelial cell inflammation using targeted superparamagnetic particles of iron oxide (SPIO)
- Open Access
- Research
Joyce M. S. Chan, Maggie S. H. Cheung, Richard G. J. Gibbs, Kishore K. Bhakoo
A systematic approach to cancer: evolution beyond selection
- Open Access
- Perspective
William B. Miller Jr., John S. Torday
A current perspective on cancer immune therapy: step-by-step approach to constructing the magic bullet
- Open Access
- Review
Gabriele D’Errico, Heather L. Machado, Bruno Sainz Jr.
Contact allergy to aluminium induced by commonly used pediatric vaccines
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- Commentary
E. Bergfors, B. Trollfors, A. Inerot, A. Gente Lidholm
The antineoplastic drug, trastuzumab, dysregulates metabolism in iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes
- Open Access
- Research
Brian M. Necela, Bianca C. Axenfeld, Daniel J. Serie, Jennifer M. Kachergus, Edith A. Perez, E. Aubrey Thompson, Nadine Norton
Tissue is the issue and tissue competition. Re-biopsy for mutation T790: where and why?
- Open Access
- Commentary
Paul Zarogoulidis, Mina Gaga, Haidong Huang, Kaid Darwiche, Aggeliki Rapti, Wolfgang Hohenforst-Schmidt
Precision medicine in immune checkpoint blockade therapy for non-small cell lung cancer
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- Commentary
Xiaoming Liu, William C. Cho
Re: Choices have consequences: the nexus between DNA repair pathways and genomic instability in cancer
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- Commentary
Michael McKay
Integrating phosphoproteomics into the clinical management of prostate cancer
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- Commentary
Larry C. Cheng, Victor M. Tan, Shridar Ganesan, Justin M. Drake
Survivin a radiogenetic promoter for glioblastoma viral gene therapy independently from CArG motifs
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- Research
George E. Naoum, Zeng B. Zhu, Donald J. Buchsbaum, David T. Curiel, Waleed O. Arafat
Lessons from the swamp: developing small molecules that confer salamander muscle cellularization in mammals
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- Commentary
JungIn Um, Da-Woon Jung, Darren Reece Williams
Thermodynamics in cancers: opposing interactions between PPAR gamma and the canonical WNT/beta-catenin pathway
- Open Access
- Review
Yves Lecarpentier, Victor Claes, Alexandre Vallée, Jean-Louis Hébert
Single-cell sequencing and tumorigenesis: improved understanding of tumor evolution and metastasis
- Open Access
- Review
Darrell L. Ellsworth, Heather L. Blackburn, Craig D. Shriver, Shahrooz Rabizadeh, Patrick Soon-Shiong, Rachel E. Ellsworth
ETS-targeted therapy: can it substitute for MEK inhibitors?
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- Review
Osamu Tetsu, Frank McCormick
Anthracycline induced cardiotoxicity: biomarkers and “Omics” technology in the era of patient specific care
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- Review
Shayan Moazeni, Martin Cadeiras, Eric H. Yang, Mario C. Deng, Kim-Lien Nguyen
Can glypican-3 be a disease-specific biomarker?
- Open Access
- Review
Chaolei Chen, Xiaomin Huang, Zhaojian Ying, Dengmin Wu, Yani Yu, Xiangdong Wang, Chengshui Chen
Phosgene-induced acute lung injury (ALI): differences from chlorine-induced ALI and attempts to translate toxicology to clinical medicine
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- Review
Wenli Li, Juergen Pauluhn
Single-cell RNA-sequencing of the brain
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- Review
Raquel Cuevas-Diaz Duran, Haichao Wei, Jia Qian Wu
IFNγ-producing CD4+ T lymphocytes: the double-edged swords in tuberculosis
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- Perspective
Pawan Kumar
Biofluid lipidome: a source for potential diagnostic biomarkers
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- Review
Arkasubhra Ghosh, Krishnatej Nishtala
Systems and precision medicine approaches to diabetes heterogeneity: a Big Data perspective
- Open Access
- Perspective
Enrico Capobianco
Significance of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in human health
- Open Access
- Review
Rafael Zárate, Nabil el Jaber-Vazdekis, Noemi Tejera, José A. Pérez, Covadonga Rodríguez
CXCL9-11 polymorphisms are associated with liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C: a cross-sectional study
- Open Access
- Research
María Ángeles Jiménez-Sousa, Ana Zaida Gómez-Moreno, Daniel Pineda-Tenor, Luz Maria Medrano, Juan José Sánchez-Ruano, Amanda Fernández-Rodríguez, Tomas Artaza-Varasa, José Saura-Montalban, Sonia Vázquez-Morón, Pablo Ryan, Salvador Resino
Lipidomics and anti-trypanosomatid chemotherapy
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- Review
Michael Biagiotti, Sedelia Dominguez, Nader Yamout, Rachel Zufferey
Styrene maleic acid encapsulated raloxifene micelles for management of inflammatory bowel disease
- Open Access
- Research
Khaled Greish, Safa Taha, Anfal Jasim, Sara Abd Elghany, Ameera Sultan, Ali AlKhateeb, Manal Othman, Fang Jun, Sebastien Taurin, Moiz Bakhiet
The role of heterogeneity in asthma: a structure-to-function perspective
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- Review
Justin K. Lui, Kenneth R. Lutchen
The role of lipids in corneal diseases and dystrophies: a systematic review
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- Review
Tyler G. Rowsey, Dimitrios Karamichos
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Purified umbilical cord derived mesenchymal stem cell treatment in a case of systemic lupus erythematosus
- Open Access
- Case report
Christopher D. Phillips, Pornpatcharin Wongsaisri, Thein Htut, Terry Grossman
Profiling of cardio-metabolic risk factors and medication utilisation among Type II diabetes patients in Ghana: a prospective cohort study
- Open Access
- Research
Eric Adua, Peter Roberts, Samuel Asamoah Sakyi, Francis Agyemang Yeboah, Albert Dompreh, Kwasi Frimpong, Enoch Odame Anto, Wei Wang
Extracellular vesicles: how they interact with endothelium, potentially contributing to metastatic cancer cell implants
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- Review
Murray M. Bern
Differences in immune response to anesthetics used for day surgery versus hospitalization surgery for breast cancer patients
- Open Access
- Research
Ryungsa Kim, Ami Kawai, Megumi Wakisaka, Yuri Funaoka, Shoichiro Ohtani, Mitsuya Ito, Takayuki Kadoya, Morihito Okada
Expression of Concern to: Role of physiotherapy in the mobilization of patients with spinal cord injury undergoing human embryonic stem cells transplantation
- Open Access
- Erratum
Geeta Shroff, Dipin Thakur, Varun Dhingra, Deepak Singh Baroli, Deepanshu Khatri, Rahul Dev Gautam
Circulating microRNAs in patients with hormone receptor-positive, metastatic breast cancer treated with dovitinib
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- Research
Narayan Shivapurkar, Eveline E. Vietsch, Erin Carney, Claudine Isaacs, Anton Wellstein
Optimization of culture conditions for rapid clinical-scale expansion of human umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells
- Open Access
- Research
Wankyu Choi, Soon-Jae Kwon, Hye Jin Jin, Sang Young Jeong, Soo Jin Choi, Wonil Oh, Yoon Sun Yang, Hong Bae Jeon, Eun Su Jeon
Proteomics in asthma: the clinicians were right after all, were not they?
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- Commentary
Anirban Sinha, Peter J. Sterk
Deletion of Cdc42 in embryonic cardiomyocytes results in right ventricle hypoplasia
- Open Access
- Short report
Yang Liu, Jian Wang, Jieli Li, Rui Wang, Binu Tharakan, Shenyuan L. Zhang, Carl W. Tong, Xu Peng
Early clinical experiences with nintedanib in three UK tertiary interstitial lung disease centres
- Open Access
- Research
Hannah Toellner, G. Hughes, W. Beswick, M. G. Crooks, C. Donaldson, I. Forrest, S. P. Hart, C. Leonard, M. Major, A. J. Simpson, N. Chaudhuri
Heterogeneity in retinoblastoma: a tale of molecules and models
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- Review
Sonya Stenfelt, Maria K. E. Blixt, Charlotta All-Ericsson, Finn Hallböök, Henrik Boije
Post-zygotic genomic changes in glutamate and dopamine pathway genes may explain discordance of monozygotic twins for schizophrenia
- Open Access
- Research
C. A. Castellani, M. G. Melka, J. L. Gui, A. J. Gallo, R. L. O’Reilly, S. M. Singh
Cancer nanomedicine: a review of recent success in drug delivery
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- Review
Stephanie Tran, Peter-Joseph DeGiovanni, Brandon Piel, Prakash Rai
The small vesicular culprits: the investigation of extracellular vesicles as new targets for cancer treatment
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- Review
Fumihiko Urabe, Nobuyoshi Kosaka, Yusuke Yoshioka, Shin Egawa, Takahiro Ochiya
Using single-cell multiple omics approaches to resolve tumor heterogeneity
- Open Access
- Review
Michael A. Ortega, Olivier Poirion, Xun Zhu, Sijia Huang, Thomas K. Wolfgruber, Robert Sebra, Lana X. Garmire