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Open Access 01-12-2017 | Research

Clinical and biometrical 12-month follow-up in patients after reconstruction of the sural nerve biopsy defect by the collagen-based nerve guide Neuromaix

Authors: Ahmet Bozkurt, Kristl G. Claeys, Simone Schrading, Jana V. Rödler, Haktan Altinova, Jörg B. Schulz, Joachim Weis, Norbert Pallua, Sabien G. A. van Neerven

Published in: European Journal of Medical Research | Issue 1/2017

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Many new strategies for the reconstruction of peripheral nerve injuries have been explored for their effectiveness in supporting nerve regeneration. However only a few of these materials were actually clinically evaluated and approved for human use. This open, mono-center, non-randomized clinical study summarizes the 12-month follow-up of patients receiving reconstruction of the sural nerve biopsy defect by the collagen-based nerve guide Neuromaix. Neuromaix was implanted as a micro-structured, two-component scaffold bridging 20–40 mm nerve defects after sural nerve biopsy in twenty patients (eighteen evaluated, two lost in follow-up). Safety of the material was evaluated by clinical examination of wound healing. Performance was assessed by sensory testing of modalities, pain assessment, and palpation for the Hoffmann–Tinel’s sign as well as demarcating the asensitive area at each follow-up visit. Every patient demonstrated uneventful wound healing during the complete 12-month time course of the study. Two patients reported complete return of sensation, whereas eleven out of eighteen patients reported a positive Hoffmann–Tinel’s sign at the lower leg with simultaneous reduction of the asensitive area by 12 months. Our data show that Neuromaix can be implanted safely in humans to bridge sural nerve gaps. No procedure-related, adverse events, or severe adverse events were reported. These first clinical data on Neuromaix provide promising perspectives for the bridging of larger nerve gaps in combined nerves, which should be investigated more through extensive, multi-center clinical trials in the near future.
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Clinical and biometrical 12-month follow-up in patients after reconstruction of the sural nerve biopsy defect by the collagen-based nerve guide Neuromaix
Ahmet Bozkurt
Kristl G. Claeys
Simone Schrading
Jana V. Rödler
Haktan Altinova
Jörg B. Schulz
Joachim Weis
Norbert Pallua
Sabien G. A. van Neerven
Publication date
BioMed Central
Published in
European Journal of Medical Research / Issue 1/2017
Electronic ISSN: 2047-783X