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26-12-2023 | RESEARCH

Cerebellar Direct Current Stimulation Reveals the Causal Role of the Cerebellum in Temporal Prediction

Authors: Sara Terranova, Alessandro Botta, Martina Putzolu, Gaia Bonassi, Carola Cosentino, Susanna Mezzarobba, Elisa Ravizzotti, Elisa Pelosin, Laura Avanzino

Published in: The Cerebellum | Issue 4/2024

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Temporal prediction (TP) influences our perception and cognition. The cerebellum could mediate this multi-level ability in a context-dependent manner. We tested whether a modulation of the cerebellar neural activity, induced by transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS), changed the TP ability according to the temporal features of the context and the duration of target interval. Fifteen healthy participants received anodal, cathodal, and sham tDCS (15 min × 2 mA intensity) over the right cerebellar hemisphere during a TP task. We recorded reaction times (RTs) to a target during the task in two contextual conditions of temporal anticipation: rhythmic (i.e., interstimulus intervals (ISIs) were constant) and single-interval condition (i.e., the estimation of the timing of the target was based on the prior exposure of the train of stimuli). Two ISIs durations were explored: 600 ms (short trials) and 900 ms (long trials). Cathodal tDCS improved the performance during the TP task (shorter RTs) specifically in the rhythmic condition only for the short trials and in the single-interval condition only for the long trials. Our results suggest that the inhibition of cerebellar activity induced a different improvement in the TP ability according to the temporal features of the context. In the rhythmic context, the cerebellum could integrate the temporal estimation with the anticipatory motor responses critically for the short target interval. In the single-interval context, for the long trials, the cerebellum could play a main role in integrating representation of time interval in memory with the elapsed time providing an accurate temporal prediction.
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Cerebellar Direct Current Stimulation Reveals the Causal Role of the Cerebellum in Temporal Prediction
Sara Terranova
Alessandro Botta
Martina Putzolu
Gaia Bonassi
Carola Cosentino
Susanna Mezzarobba
Elisa Ravizzotti
Elisa Pelosin
Laura Avanzino
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
The Cerebellum / Issue 4/2024
Print ISSN: 1473-4222
Electronic ISSN: 1473-4230

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