03-02-2025 | Editorial
Building an Inclusive Future: Equity in Health and Health Services Research Workforce
Alliric I. Willis, MD, MSPH, Krys E. Foster, MD, MPH, Said A. Ibrahim, MD, MPH, MBA
Published in:
Journal of General Internal Medicine
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Health services research discoveries have increased our appreciation of health disparities and the barriers to health equity in the USA over the past 50 years.
1 Health services research has also demonstrated that a diverse healthcare workforce can lead to better outcomes for all patients and reduce health disparities.
2,3 While funding sources often determine research priorities for funding, a diverse health and health services research workforce can help ensure that diverse perspectives are included in the design, analysis, and dissemination of findings of research, whether federally funded, industry sponsored, or investigator initiated. Diversity and inclusion in the health and health services research workforce can help promote equity and help address biases and blind spots in research. Therefore, advancing effective initiatives to strengthen workforce diversity and inclusion is essential. …