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Open Access 01-12-2023 | Bronchial Asthma | Research

Collaborative cross strain CC011/UncJ as a novel mouse model of T2-high, severe asthma

Authors: Lauren J. Donoghue, Kathryn M. McFadden, Daniel Vargas, Gregory J. Smith, Robert M. Immormino, Timothy P. Moran, Samir N. P. Kelada

Published in: Respiratory Research | Issue 1/2023

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Among asthmatics, there is significant heterogeneity in the clinical presentation and underlying pathophysiological mechanisms, leading to the recognition of multiple disease endotypes (e.g., T2-high vs. T2-low). This heterogeneity extends to severe asthmatics, who may struggle to control symptoms even with high-dose corticosteroid treatment and other therapies. However, there are limited mouse models available to model the spectrum of severe asthma endotypes. We sought to identify a new mouse model of severe asthma by first examining responses to chronic allergen exposure among strains from the Collaborative Cross (CC) mouse genetics reference population, which contains greater genetic diversity than other inbred strain panels previously used for models of asthma. Mice from five CC strains and the often-used classical inbred strain BALB/cJ were chronically exposed to house dust mite (HDM) allergen for five weeks followed by measurements of airway inflammation. CC strain CC011/UncJ (CC011) exhibited extreme responses to HDM including high levels of airway eosinophilia, elevated lung resistance, and extensive airway wall remodeling, and even fatalities among ~ 50% of mice prior to study completion. Compared to BALB/cJ mice, CC011 mice had stronger Th2-mediated airway responses demonstrated by significantly elevated total and HDM-specific IgE and increased Th2 cytokines during tests of antigen recall, but not enhanced ILC2 activation. Airway eosinophilia in CC011 mice was completely dependent upon CD4+ T-cells. Notably, we also found that airway eosinophilia in CC011 mice was resistant to dexamethasone steroid treatment. Thus, the CC011 strain provides a new mouse model of T2-high, severe asthma driven by natural genetic variation likely acting through CD4+ T-cells. Future studies aimed at determining the genetic basis of this phenotype will provide new insights into mechanisms underlying severe asthma.
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Collaborative cross strain CC011/UncJ as a novel mouse model of T2-high, severe asthma
Lauren J. Donoghue
Kathryn M. McFadden
Daniel Vargas
Gregory J. Smith
Robert M. Immormino
Timothy P. Moran
Samir N. P. Kelada
Publication date
BioMed Central
Published in
Respiratory Research / Issue 1/2023
Electronic ISSN: 1465-993X

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