01-10-2019 | Breast Cancer | Breast Oncology
Presidential Address: On Resisting the Narcissism of the Present
Walton Taylor
Published in:
Annals of Surgical Oncology
Issue 10/2019
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Human beings, by nature, are self-focused. We fixate on whatever it is we are experiencing right now, right here. We tend to get stuck inside our own perspectives. Esteemed presidential historian and biographer, Jon Meacham, often tells a story about a conversation he had with a colleague feeling beleaguered by the state of American politics, complaining that they have never been worse. “Really?” Meacham replied. “You don’t think the Civil War, maybe, was a little worse?” Well, maybe, the colleague conceded. Meacham warns us all to beware of what he describes as the narcissism of the present. It blinds us to the lessons of the past and the possibilities of the future. …