09-07-2022 | Breast Cancer | ASO Research Letter
‘At All Costs’: Breast Cancer Patient Responses to Cost Transparency and Communication
Lily A. Gutnik, MD, MPH, Laura J. Fish, PhD, MPH, Jennifer Gallagher, BA, Rachel A. Greenup, MD, MPH
Published in:
Annals of Surgical Oncology
Issue 12/2022
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Cancer-related healthcare costs are projected to rise from $183 billion in 2015 to $246 billion in 2030, a growth of over 30%.
1 Rising medical expenditures are increasingly shouldered by patients; cost sharing has resulted from reduced insurance coverage leading to high out-of-pocket payment. Cancer-related financial hardship is associated with material and health-related consequences, including employment disruption, increased risk of bankruptcy, treatment non-adherence, poor physical and mental health, and early mortality.
2,3 Even among well-insured breast cancer survivors, 33% report significant financial hardship and 80% communicate a desire for upfront cost transparency. …