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Open Access 18-06-2023 | Autism Spectrum Disorder | Research

Linear and Non-linear Analyses of EEG in a Group of ASD Children During Resting State Condition

Authors: Brenda Y. Angulo-Ruiz, Francisco J. Ruiz-Martínez, Elena I. Rodríguez-Martínez, Anca Ionescu, David Saldaña, Carlos M. Gómez

Published in: Brain Topography | Issue 5/2023

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This study analyses the spontaneous electroencephalogram (EEG) brain activity of 14 children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) compared to 18 children with normal development, aged 5–11 years. (i) Power Spectral Density (PSD), (ii) variability across trials (coefficient of variation: CV), and (iii) complexity (multiscale entropy: MSE) of the brain signal analysis were computed on the resting state EEG. PSD (0.5–45 Hz) and CV were averaged over different frequency bands (low-delta, delta, theta, alpha, low-beta, high-beta and gamma). MSE were calculated with a coarse-grained procedure on 67 time scales and divided into fine, medium and coarse scales. In addition, significant neurophysiological variables were correlated with behavioral performance data (Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (KBIT) and Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ)). Results show increased PSD fast frequency bands (high-beta and gamma), higher variability (CV) and lower complexity (MSE) in children with ASD when compared to typically developed children. These results suggest a more variable, less complex and, probably, less adaptive neural networks with less capacity to generate optimal responses in ASD children.
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Linear and Non-linear Analyses of EEG in a Group of ASD Children During Resting State Condition
Brenda Y. Angulo-Ruiz
Francisco J. Ruiz-Martínez
Elena I. Rodríguez-Martínez
Anca Ionescu
David Saldaña
Carlos M. Gómez
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Brain Topography / Issue 5/2023
Print ISSN: 0896-0267
Electronic ISSN: 1573-6792

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