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18-12-2023 | Artificial Intelligence | Chest Radiology

LNAS: a clinically applicable deep-learning system for mediastinal enlarged lymph nodes segmentation and station mapping without regard to the pathogenesis using unenhanced CT images

Authors: Yang Cao, Jintang Feng, Cheng Wang, Fan Yang, Xiaomeng Wang, Jingxu Xu, Chencui Huang, Shu Zhang, Zihao Li, Li Mao, Tianzhu Zhang, Bingzhen Jia, Tongli Li, Hui Li, Bingjin Zhang, Hongmei Shi, Dong Li, Ningnannan Zhang, Yizhou Yu, Xiangshui Meng, Zhang Zhang

Published in: La radiologia medica | Issue 2/2024

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The accurate identification and evaluation of lymph nodes by CT images is of great significance for disease diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis.


To assess the lymph nodes’ segmentation, size, and station by artificial intelligence (AI) for unenhanced chest CT images and evaluate its value in clinical scenarios.

Material and methods

This retrospective study proposed an end-to-end Lymph Nodes Analysis System (LNAS) consisting of three models: the Lymph Node Segmentation model (LNS), the Mediastinal Organ Segmentation model (MOS), and the Lymph Node Station Registration model (LNR). We selected a healthy chest CT image as the template image and annotated 14 lymph node station masks according to the IASLC to build the lymph node station mapping template. The exact contours and stations of the lymph nodes were annotated by two junior radiologists and reviewed by a senior radiologist. Patients aged 18 and above, who had undergone unenhanced chest CT and had at least one suspicious enlarged mediastinal lymph node in imaging reports, were included. Exclusions were patients who had thoracic surgeries in the past 2 weeks or artifacts on CT images affecting lymph node observation by radiologists. The system was trained on 6725 consecutive chest CTs that from Tianjin Medical University General Hospital, among which 6249 patients had suspicious enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes. A total of 519 consecutive chest CTs from Qilu Hospital of Shandong University (Qingdao) were used for external validation. The gold standard for each CT was determined by two radiologists and reviewed by one senior radiologist.


The patient-level sensitivity of the LNAS system reached of 93.94% and 92.89% in internal and external test dataset, respectively. And the lesion-level sensitivity (recall) reached 89.48% and 85.97% in internal and external test dataset. For man–machine comparison, AI significantly apparently shortened the average reading time (p < 0.001) and had better lesion-level and patient-level sensitivities.


AI improved the sensitivity lymph node segmentation by radiologists with an advantage in reading time.
Available only for authorised users
go back to reference Rusch VW, Asamura H, Watanabe H, Giroux DJ, Rami-Porta R, Goldstraw P, Members of IASLC Staging Committee (2009) The IASLC lung cancer staging project: a proposal for a new international lymph node map in the forthcoming seventh edition of the TNM classification for lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol. 4:568–577CrossRefPubMed Rusch VW, Asamura H, Watanabe H, Giroux DJ, Rami-Porta R, Goldstraw P, Members of IASLC Staging Committee (2009) The IASLC lung cancer staging project: a proposal for a new international lymph node map in the forthcoming seventh edition of the TNM classification for lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol. 4:568–577CrossRefPubMed
LNAS: a clinically applicable deep-learning system for mediastinal enlarged lymph nodes segmentation and station mapping without regard to the pathogenesis using unenhanced CT images
Yang Cao
Jintang Feng
Cheng Wang
Fan Yang
Xiaomeng Wang
Jingxu Xu
Chencui Huang
Shu Zhang
Zihao Li
Li Mao
Tianzhu Zhang
Bingzhen Jia
Tongli Li
Hui Li
Bingjin Zhang
Hongmei Shi
Dong Li
Ningnannan Zhang
Yizhou Yu
Xiangshui Meng
Zhang Zhang
Publication date
Springer Milan
Published in
La radiologia medica / Issue 2/2024
Print ISSN: 0033-8362
Electronic ISSN: 1826-6983

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