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Published in: AIDS and Behavior 12/2017

01-12-2017 | Original Paper

Acceptability of Daily Use of Free Oral Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Among Transgender Women Sex Workers in Shenyang, China

Authors: Zixin Wang, Joseph T. F. Lau, Xueying Yang, Yong Cai, Danielle L. Gross, Tiecheng Ma, Yan Liu

Published in: AIDS and Behavior | Issue 12/2017

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This study investigated the acceptability of daily use of free oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and associated factors among transgender women sex workers in Shenyang, China, following a briefing on PrEP. A total of 183 HIV negative or sero-status unknown participants completed the cross-sectional survey. The prevalence of acceptability of daily use of free oral PrEP was 61.2%. Adjusting for education level and monthly income, variables on negative attitudes toward PrEP (i.e., having concerns about the side-effects of PrEP) [Adjusted odds ratios (AOR): 0.26], perceived subjective norms (i.e., perceiving support from male partners to take PrEP) (AOR: 2.08), and perceived behavioral control (e.g., perceiving complete control over using PrEP) (AOR: 2.10–16.72) were significantly associated with acceptability of daily use of free oral PrEP. In addition, experiencing violence during sex work, perceived risk of contracting HIV from clients and probable anxiety were also significant. Future PrEP promotion campaigns should consider these factors.
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Acceptability of Daily Use of Free Oral Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Among Transgender Women Sex Workers in Shenyang, China
Zixin Wang
Joseph T. F. Lau
Xueying Yang
Yong Cai
Danielle L. Gross
Tiecheng Ma
Yan Liu
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
AIDS and Behavior / Issue 12/2017
Print ISSN: 1090-7165
Electronic ISSN: 1573-3254

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