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16-05-2024 | Original Paper

3D Models as a Source for Neuroanatomy Education: A Stepwise White Matter Dissection Using 3D Images and Photogrammetry Scans

Authors: André S. B. Oliveira, João Vitor A. Fernandes, Vera Louise F. A. Figueiredo, Luciano C. P. C. Leonel, Megan M. J. Bauman, Michael J. Link, Maria Peris-Celda

Published in: Brain Topography

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White matter dissection (WMD) involves isolating bundles of myelinated axons in the brain and serves to gain insights into brain function and neural mechanisms underlying neurological disorders. While effective, cadaveric brain dissections pose certain challenges mainly due to availability of resources. Technological advancements, such as photogrammetry, have the potential to overcome these limitations by creating detailed three-dimensional (3D) models for immersive learning experiences in neuroanatomy. This study aimed to provide a detailed step-by-step WMD captured using two-dimensional (2D) images and 3D models (via photogrammetry) to serve as a comprehensive guide for studying white matter tracts of the brain. One formalin-fixed brain specimen was utilized to perform the WMD. The brain was divided in a sagittal plane and both cerebral hemispheres were stored in a freezer at -20 °C for 10 days, then thawed under running water at room temperature. Micro-instruments under an operating microscope were used to perform a systematic lateral-to-medial and medial-to-lateral dissection, while 2D images were captured and 3D models were created through photogrammetry during each stage of the dissection. Dissection was performed with comprehensive examination of the location, main landmarks, connections, and functions of the white matter tracts of the brain. Furthermore, high-quality 3D models of the dissections were created and housed on SketchFab®, allowing for accessible and free of charge viewing for educational and research purposes. Our comprehensive dissection and 3D models have the potential to increase understanding of the intricate white matter anatomy and could provide an accessible platform for the teaching of neuroanatomy.
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3D Models as a Source for Neuroanatomy Education: A Stepwise White Matter Dissection Using 3D Images and Photogrammetry Scans
André S. B. Oliveira
João Vitor A. Fernandes
Vera Louise F. A. Figueiredo
Luciano C. P. C. Leonel
Megan M. J. Bauman
Michael J. Link
Maria Peris-Celda
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Brain Topography
Print ISSN: 0896-0267
Electronic ISSN: 1573-6792

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